Dr. Rumbaugh has a deep background in neurological research and is the author of several authoritative journal articles detailing his extensive research and results. His educational background at both Johns Hopkins and Emory University, Atlanta, has prepared him to make the most effective decisions for diagnosis and treatment of neurological disease and disorders.
Dr. Rumbaugh also gained extensive experience in diagnosing and treating multiple sclerosis and other neuroimmuno and neuroinfectious diseases during his residency training at Johns Hopkins and previously served as a member of the faculty in the neuroimmuno, multiple sclerosis, and neuroid division at both Johns Hopkins and Emory University.
With a strong belief in evidence-based medicine, Dr. Rumbaugh can assist you in creating customized treatment plans that cater to your patient's needs during hospitalization, including stays in the intensive care unit or during a life-threatening emergency. His ability to make intelligent decisions when evidence or guidelines aren't clear makes Dr. Rumbaugh a strong ally during a patient's initial assessment and long-term care management.