About Dr. Rumbaugh
Multiple Sclerosis
Neurological Infectious Diseases
In Patient Neurology
Online Second Opinion
Neurological Lyme Disease
Expert Witness
Customer Survey
Tell us how we did!
Patient/Customer Survey
This survey will be confidentially sent to the office manager so we can easily review your comments on our services provided. This will help us help you so please, don't be shy and let us know your thoughts and opinions on our patient service.
Your Full Name
Your Email
Did our employees pay proper attention to your required needs for your medical treatment?
Did the front staff/phone staff answer all your questions?
How would you rate your visit with Dr. Rumbaugh? 1-5 (1 being the worst 5 being the best)
In your opinion, is there anything we could do to improve your experience at Pathway Neurology?
How easy was it to schedule an appointment with our facility?
How long did you wait (beyond your appointment time) to be seen by the provider?
How satisfied are you with the cleanliness and appearance of our facility?
How would you rate the overall care you received from your provider?
How likely are you to recommend our facility to a friend or family member?
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