Pathway Neurology
See what other Physcians and Patients had to say about Dr. Jeffrey Rumbaugh, MD, PhD
I myself am a Doctor and I highly recommend Dr. Rumbaugh. Thorough and takes time to listen.
From Dr. Thomas - 5 Star Review
(Based on the physicians experience being Dr. Rumbaugh's patient)
My appointment was great information appointment. I think Dr. Rumbaugh will answer all my questions about MS. Thank you.
From Natalie - 4 Star Review
5 Star Review
From Sam
I have no complaints about Dr. Rumbaugh or his assistant/office manager Heather! When I met with him I was already on my 2nd doctor and been given the run around about my diagnosis. Once I met with Dr. Rumbaugh I felt so much better, felt like he really took the time to help me understand my new diagnosis, made me feel like I wasn't just some # or some patient wasting his time. I really felt at ease once I got done with my appointment and ever since then it's been nothing but great! Heather is amazing, always on top of communication and never makes you feel like you are nagging or causing issues. She's quick to answer any questions I have and always has a polite mannerism about her which is great! If I could give more than 5 stars I would!
Tiffany - 5 Star Review
Dear Dr. Rumbaugh,
Thank you for knowing all you know and doing what you do for people. Because of your belief in my husband; Johns condition being from his junk liver. He got a new lease on life. We are back home in Illinois. He is doing just great and his memory is improving more and more daily. It was good when we left Tampa in April, but its great now! God bless you and we will talk of you often and we are very grateful.
Rita & John - 5 Star Review
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